Invest in Andy’s Future

Invest in Andy’s Future

Share:Engaging with art is essential to the human experience. Art promotes freedom of creative expression, which helps students relax and think differently. Art also enhances fine motor, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. Due to budget cuts, Esperanza’s...
Esperanza opens transformative sensory space

Esperanza opens transformative sensory space

Share:When Esperanza occupational therapists James and Holly set out to create a dedicated sensory space, they did not envision the immediate impact they would see.  “David*, who I’ve never seen relaxed, went into the sensory room and zened out...
Esperanza receives Chicago Recovery Grant

Esperanza receives Chicago Recovery Grant

Share:Esperanza Community Services is thrilled to announce our selection as a Chicago Community Development Grant recipient. The award of $585,230 will transform our main school and adult program building in West Town by providing updated, efficient, and more...