Get Involved

Dive Deeper into Our Mission

Volunteering for Esperanza is essential for fostering connection to the greater community for our clients. Your time and skills contribute to creating a more accessible environment, breaking down barriers, and enhancing the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

Individual Volunteering

Individual volunteering at Esperanza involves offering time and support to enhance the lives of our people through activities like educational programs and recreational activities. This promotes inclusion and personal growth for those served. Such efforts help build a compassionate, inclusive community.

Group Volunteering

Group volunteering for our people involves collectively offering time to support our mission through activities like bingo games, gardening, painting, and more. This teamwork promotes inclusion and personal growth for those served, while fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among volunteers.

Sustained Volunteering

Long-term volunteering at Esperanza involves committing sustained time and effort. This ongoing dedication fosters deep, trusting relationships, enabling significant personal growth.
Through consistent involvement, volunteers help create a more compassionate, supportive environment for everyone.

Volunteer Today!

Connect to Esperanza’s mission on a deeper level by getting in contact today. 

We have a variety of opportunities available depending on group size, interest and more. 

We would love for you and your group to foster long term meaningful relationships with our clients.