In Esperanza School, students with autism and other developmental disabilities are learning and growing. All students achieved at least one goal indicated in their Individual Education Plan (their personalized road map to skill building), and 87% achieved three or more goals!
• 97% of students met academic goals
• 86% made gains in language and math skills
• 95% are meeting social /emotional standards.
In addition, among students who have attended Esperanza School for two years or more, 100% showed progress in three or more skill areas — and 50% showed progress in 10 or more skill areas! 98% of students made gains in their behavior skills, and 10% of Esperanza School students were able to reintegrate into mainstream schools.
In the last year, Esperanza School student Jackson has gained so much from our inclusive and customized supports. In areas where he had previously struggled, Jackson now thrives. He has grown academically, built social skills and reduced maladaptive behaviors.
He has also begun speaking. “He’s learned to TALK since he’s been here!” his mother Amanda told us. “There is no greater gift than communication. There is so much less frustration now.”
After one year at Esperanza, his remarkable progress has completely changed the course of his life, and his family’s future. “He has the ability to learn, and the people at Esperanza discovered that almost immediately,” Amanda said. “I can see him having a job one day and being able to live an independent life. It’s amazing. Esperanza really is a part of my life now. It’s our world.”
Esperanza School is helping 55 students to build the skills that lead to independence and help them be better equipped to participate in our community in the years ahead – as our neighbors, our friends, and in many cases, our co-workers.
Watch a video that features Jackson and his mother here.
Featured image shows Jackson, who has been able to make amazing academic and developmental gains.