In our Adult Day Training Program, participants are making huge gains.
In the last year, 100% of participants built skills and made progress towards goals that are helping them build both happiness and independence. 86% of participants achieved at least one goal and more than half (52%) achieved two or more goals.
• Four out of five participants grew their Activities of Daily Living Skills
• 75% of participants who had communication goals made significant gains
• Artists in our Art Studio are building confidence and expressing themselves through the works they create.
Participants are staying connected to the community. Last year, we went on over 100 community outings, including visits to stores to practice money management skills, recreational activities, and much more. Every new skill gained is a step towards achieving increasingly more challenging goals that increase their quality of living. And every day, participants are building skills and friendships.
When you meet Tabitha, she introduces herself with a bright, warm smile and an outstretched hand. “My name is Tabitha,” she says. “I make coffee.”
Tabitha exudes confidence. She engages new friends with questions, and is eager to show visitors to Esperanza the campus store where she and her colleagues build skills like money management and making change, following multiple steps to reach a goal, and teamwork.
But not long ago, Tabitha was shy and withdrawn. Her confidence is the result of Tabitha building skills and a sense of purpose at Esperanza. “I do a good job here,” Tabitha says. “We all do a good job.”
The Adult Day Training Program supports 74 adults like Tabitha to build relevant life skills that lead to independence and vocational skills that keep participants connected to the community. We provide an inclusive environment where friendships and happiness grow.
Featured image highlights Tabitha, a supported participant building skills and confidence.