
Esperanza Community Services
520 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago, IL 60622 │ 312.243.6097

Esperanza Community ServicesCelebrating Victories Sponsorship Opportunities

April 18, 2013 at the Union League Club of Chicago

Presenting Sponsor, $10,000. Includes name in the title of the event as follows: Esperanza Community Services Celebrating Victories, presented by YOU/YOUR COMPANY NAME. Presenting sponsor receives four tables of 8 (32 tickets), a private dinner party for 10 created by chef Jackie Shen (future date to be agreed upon between sponsor and chef Shen), two full-page color ads in program, premier logo placement on event materials and signage, premier recognition during the event and on, inclusion in press materials, and premier communications recognition highlighting your support to our engaged supporters and social media network of 2,400 people, and framed 8×10 photographs of your tables commemorating your support. You will also receive a one-year membership in the Esperanza Coffee Club* as well as a framed piece of Esperanza art.

Lead Sponsor, $7,500. Includes three tables of 8 (24 tickets), a full-color ad in program, logo inclusion on event materials and signage, recognition during the event and on, inclusion in press materials, communications recognition highlighting your support to our engaged supporters and social media network of 2,400 people, and framed 8×10 photographs of your tables commemorating your support. You will also receive a one-year membership in the Esperanza Coffee Club as well as a framed piece of Esperanza art.

Hero Sponsor, $5,000. Includes two tables (16 tickets), a full-page black and white ad in program, logo inclusion on event materials and signage, recognition during the event and on, inclusion in press materials, communications recognition highlighting your support to our engaged supporters and social media network of 2,400 people, and framed 8×10 photographs of your tables commemorating your support. You will also receive a one-year membership in the Esperanza Coffee Club as well as a framed piece of Esperanza art.

Victories Sponsor, $3,000. Includes 8 tickets (one table), a full-page black and white ad in program, your logo on signage, inclusion in press materials, recognition during event and on, inclusion in press materials, communications recognition highlighting your support to our engaged supporters and social media network of 2,400 people, and framed 8×10 photographs of your table commemorating your support. You will also receive a one-year membership in the Esperanza Coffee Club as well as a framed piece of Esperanza art.

Milestone Sponsor, $1,500. Includes 4 tickets (half table), a half-page black and white ad in program, verbal recognition during the event and on, inclusion in press materials, communications recognition highlighting your support to our engaged supporters and social media network of 2,400 people.

Achievements Every Day Sponsor, $500. Includes 2 tickets and your logo in the program.

I want to make a donation of $_____________.

(continued on the second page)

Esperanza Community Services
520 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago, IL 60622 │ 312.243.6097

Page 2, Esperanza Community Services’ Celebrating Victories Sponsor Reply Form

Purchase tickets.

I’d like to purchase ____ tickets at $150 each / ____tables of eight at $1200 each. Please indicate the names of your guests on back of this form or email to


Company _____________________________________________________________


City, State, Zip_________________________________________________________

Preferred phone ________________________________________________________

Email _________________________________________________________________

 Check payable to Esperanza Community Services enclosed

 Bill my: __Visa __MC Card No:______________________________________________

Expiration date: ___ /___


Remember to like us on Facebook ( and follow us on Twitter (@ECSinChicago) so that you can see and share your social media recognition!

Questions? Please contact Jeff Fenwick, Director of Development, at 312.243.6097, x 31 or for more information.

* Esperanza Coffee Club includes complimentary coffee from WorkReady’s Esperanza Café anytime a member of the sponsoring organization visits Esperanza Community Services.

Please return to Esperanza Community Services, 520 N. Marshfield, Chicago, IL 60622, Attn: Celebrating Victories, or fax to 312.243.2076. Payment for sponsorship is requested with a completed form.